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Financial Crime Risk Management

Navigating clients through Anti-Money Laundering, Countering the Financing of Terrorism and Sanctions.

Over the past 30 years, financial crime has increasingly become of concern to governments and financial institutions world-wide. A financial crime is an act or attempted act against institutions, governments or individuals by internal or external agents to illegally appropriate, defraud, manipulate or circumvent legislation. Financial crime includes offences such as money laundering, terrorist financing, fraud, bribery and corruption, market abuse and insider trading.

Specialised Financial Crime Risk Management services include:


Customer due diligence (CDD); enhanced due-diligence (EDD) and ongoing due-diligence (ODD).

Transaction monitoring & reporting

Counter-terrorist financing & sanctions

Economic sanctions are domestic penalties applied unilaterally by one country on another country or entity.

Risk management & compliance programmes

Financial institutions are being encouraged to take a risk-based approach to managing their risk. Furthermore, a risk management and compliance programme (RMCP) is now a legislative requirement.

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